** first and foremost, please allow me to say my blessing **
I thank you, Oh Allah
For all the things we have today;
for our families and friends we love so much
for home, for food, for work and play,
I thank you,Oh Allah.
Ya Allah, syukur alhamdulillah di atas segala rezeki dan kurnia yang Engkau limpahkan kepada kami, ya Allah. Segala rahmat, kasih sayang, ketenangan adalah di dalam kekuasaan-MU, hamba -MU ini bermohon berikan kami segala rahmat kasih sayang-MU, segala ketenangan zahir dan batin untuk hamba-MU ini. Rahmatilah kami dengan lindungan kasih sayang-MU.
Jadikanlah aku orang yang sentiasa bersyukur, ya Allah. Amin. Amin. Amin.
My 'Today's Lunch' series will commence.... today.. :)))
And lauks for lunch today are ..... ta daaaaa......
From front, clockwise : sambal telur (spicy hard boiled eggs), kari ayam (chicken curry), goreng tempe + ikan bilis (fried fermented soy beans - betul ke ni?- and anchovies) and sayur campur (mixed stir fried vegetables).
Selamat menjamu selera, anak-anakku :))))
p/s : we don't usually cook this much for lunch on weekdays and that sambal telur is not supposed to be on the menu. .. but bibix blended way too much cili kering just now and our cili boh container can't hold all the blended cili .. so kenalah improvise sikit.. maka lahirlah sambal telur rebus tuuu.....