Saturday, February 11, 2012

kampung life : bonfiring!

I think only true blue kampung folks can truly appreciate the syiokness of 'bakar sampah'.  Bakar sampah here is not really burning waste like non-biodegrable stuff, tapi more like burning leaves, twigs, logs, and such. Memang sangat mengasyikkan... :)))

I have been bakar-ing sampah since I can remember.  I'm always doing it and I love it.  So tadi like any other days, I was out again burning up sampah (and making some dents in the ozone layer.. huhu..)...

I know to some people this is totally not a done thing.. but this is  nothing compared to the real harm that comes from the factories, cars, etc etc....  This is the life of the kampung people.

I have three bonfires working at the same time this evening.  Simple pleasure such as this is what makes life in the kampung so serene and peaceful.  Alhamdulillah... :))))


imine said...

kak, bau rumput2, daun2 dan dahan2 kering yang dibakar tu mmg nostalgia pada kampung halaman ..

you are lucky to live in a kampung yet not far from the hustle and bustle of the KL metro.

Anonymous said...

CatWomen, selalu orang bakar sampah buat lubang..then they use the burned leftover as baja. wey i think u can start a mini kebun sayur lafor home use and sell to jiran2...pae

What's Baking?? said...

I can totally relate with you..can keep the nyamuk away! Lepas tu, 'tanah bakar' can use for tanam tanaman.

manna mania said...

imine ~ mmg bau2 sebegitu menggamit memori kan... syukur alhamdulillah.. mmg saya sangat2 bersyukur dpt dok kat kg and yet still not far from KL.. so in a way, I have the best of both worlds..

manna mania said...

pae ~ tak korek pun... pakai hentam je.. hehe... sayur tu susah sikit nak menjadi sbb maybe tanah dah usang.. kena 'revitalize' kot tanah tu dulu.. tapi tanaman yg agak robust, insya allah blh lagi idup...

manna mania said...

what's baking ~ nyamuk and other insects too.. bakar sampah under the fruit trees is one of the way to keep the insects away from the trees... and of course the smell is heavenly... hehe. .i guess only org kampung can understand our 'kampongan' pecularities... ;D

imine said...

kak, if u are still curios, imine is me (taha).

cheers from melbourne. :)

manna mania said...

hi imine aka taha.. i dah agak jugak yg you coz i went to imine punya blog and saw 'taha blog' here... hehe..

thanks for dropping by... i selalu nampak visitor from melbourne and guessed (correctly) it's you..... ;)))